
Urban City Monitoring

AirSENCE - Real Time Ambient Micro Air Quality Monitoring Systems
One of the most accurate and affordable air quality monitoring systems; ideal for establishing comprehensive air pollution baseline around smart cities worldwide.
Small footprint, autonomous operation, and low maintenance, a perfect fit for creating air mapping network in urban cities around the globe.
All weather sensors options provides critical information like noise and rainfall.

Why Air Monitoring for Urban Areas?

Urban areas require air quality sensors in order to implement modern Smart City air monitoring solutions. Major developments in air quality research in recent decades has enabled the characterization of air pollutants and their respective sources, thus making it possible to mitigate their release into urban environments.

Air quality detectors in urban areas have become a necessity due to exponential growth in vehicular traffic, infrastructure development, and other human activities. Emissions from these sources negatively impact air quality and affect the livelihoods of those living in major cities around the world. The United Nations projects that 68% of the global population will live in cities by 2050, thus making this a problem of critical urgency. In response, most cities worldwide seek comprehensive air pollutant baseline data, which is challenging to achieve.

Hurdles to Air Monitoring in Urban Regions

The World Health Organization estimates that, globally, more than 42 million premature annual deaths are attributable to outdoor air pollution. Cities around the world are consequently under pressure to monitor ambient air quality continuously, identify problems quickly, and execute timely corrective actions.

Conventional air monitoring systems have severe limitations for creating spatial and temporal pollution maps of cities due to their large size, high costs, and heavy maintenance requirements. Most cities therefore have major information gaps which undermine efforts to create distributed air mapping networks. This problem can be addressed by deploying a network of low-cost air quality monitors rather than just measuring air pollution at a few widely dispersed locations.

Why Choose AirSENCE?

The expansion of cities has led to a rise in automobile usage, industrial production, and rapid deforestation, which has brought air pollution and environmental degradation to alarming levels. Developed by A.U.G. Signals Ltd. (AUG), an ambient air quality monitor manufacturer, AirSENCE is an Advanced, Accurate and Affordable continuous ambient air quality micro-monitoring station (CAAQMMS). AirSENCE provides an online platform to visualize pollutant concentration and carry out dispersion analyses based on the data generated by the monitoring stations.

Environmental health and safety experts are constantly looking for novel solutions to mitigate air pollution, and better data supports better decision making leading to improved health and productivity. AirSENCE was created primarily for the purpose of providing this data to aid in the establishment of air mapping networks in cities around the world. Its small footprint,  accurate results, autonomous operation and data handling, and ease of installation, operation and maintenance make it the ideal choice for urban air quality monitoring.

AirSENCE functions as a micro air monitoring system within a Smart City and urban planning framework. It is an integrated air quality meter that makes it simple and easy to monitor air pollution and thus identify its sources and mitigate the harmful effects. As a sensor based CAAQMS, it delivers accurate real-time data that professionals can trust.

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