


Your plug-and-play solution for hyper-local real-time air quality monitoring. Accurate, reliable, and cost-effective, it seamlessly connects via Wi-Fi or Cellular, providing versatile installation options including
pole-mount, wall-mount, or atop streetlamps.

With pre-calibration and easy setup, it also monitors weather parameters like wind, noise, rain, and light. Powered by AC outlets, batteries, or solar, it’s the next evolution of AirSENCE’s proven portfolio, with a decade of success in 19 countries across 5 continents


PM Sensor (PM10, PM4, PM2.5 & PM1), TSP, TPC, CO2 , Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed & Direction, Ambient Noise & Rain.

Contact us for price, product availability date and other information



Designed to focus on particulate matter monitoring in dusty environment, AirSENCE DUST-WATCH provides an ideal solution to safeguard the air quality in and around train stations, seaports and construction sites creating healthy and pleasant environment for workers and passengers.

Airsence Industrial Air Monitoring system


PM Sensor (PM10, PM2.5 & PM1), temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind direction, and ambient noise, with customization upon request.

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