
Thermal Power Plant

Airsence -  Petrochemical and refinery air pollution
Goes beyond urban air pollution measurements to monitor all particulate fractions and other gases most suitable for air monitoring around thermal power plants.
Robust and reliable performance ensuring thermal power plants stays on top of (and exceeds) environmental compliance protocols.

How do Thermal Power Plants pollute air?

Coal-based thermal power plants are operated on a massive scale around the world, and air quality research confirms that these facilities are responsible for dramatic degeneration of ambient air conditions. The sheer volume of coal consumed, combined with insufficient treatment of emissions, leads to the thermal power plant industry being the single largest contributor to global air pollution. It is essential to have air quality monitors around these plants to ensure that industries comply with local environmental and health regulations and have access to information necessary to take preventive and/or corrective actions.

Major air pollutants emitted to the atmosphere from coal-based thermal power plants are oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, and particulate matter which may include fine coal particles, fly ash, and particles of sulfates and nitrates generated during combustion.

Challenges in Thermal Power Plant in Air Monitoring.

Due to the massive heights of thermal power plant stacks, severe effects of these emissions show up several kilometers away from these power plants and can extend up to several hundred kilometers from the source.

Real-time air pollution monitoring for power plants is currently a major challenge since an alarming number of plants do not follow air quality standards. The emerging continuous ambient air quality micro-monitoring stations (CAAQMS) offer a viable solution for this challenge.

Why Choose AirSENCE?

A.U.G. Signals Ltd. (AUG), an air monitoring manufacturer, has designed AirSENCE, an advanced low cost air quality monitoring station that provides accurate, real-time air quality data. As a sensor based CAAQMS, AirSENCE offers continuous measurements of all PM fractions and critical gaseous pollutants along with essential weather parameters. AirSENCE is a micro air monitoring system with unique features that make it the most suitable ambient air quality monitoring solution for thermal power plants.

Since most of these plants are situated at remote locations, features like low cost, ease of installation, autonomous operation, high data availability and integrity, and accessibility via smartphones, networking devices, etc., make AirSENCE ideally suited for critical applications. AirSENCE delivers high-quality monitoring data at a remarkable value to provide a comprehensive solution.

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