
Air Quality Monitoring at Construction Sites

Airsence Industrial Air Monitoring system

Global construction activities have increased drastically in the last few decades. How is the growth of construction activities related to air pollution monitoring? Actually, it is quite simple. Construction activities are major contributors to dust pollution. Apart from the usage of raw materials like sand, cement, concrete, etc., activities like excavation and drilling contribute to pollution. Bulk material transportation, loading/unloading, open-air storage, concrete and mortar making, cutting and filling, and the movement of equipment also have a fair share. If unattended, particulate pollution will surpassingly increase, impacting the health of laborers and workers at these sites.

Construction activities account for significant dust or particulate pollution viz. metallic, gravel, cement/concrete, wooden, sand particles, etc. The airborne dust measurement ranges from the particle size of 1 micrometer (PM1) to 100 micrometers (PM2.5, PM10, PM100). Sources of dust generation due to construction activities are:

1. Excavation
2. Loading/Unloading
3. Preparation of Raw Materials
4. Construction & Demolition Waste
5. Road Construction

Construction Dust Emission is important as particulate matters pose a great threat to the workers on site and people in the nearby proximity. According to the World Health Organization, PM is capable of penetrating deep into lung passageways and entering the bloodstream causing cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory impacts. Moreover, reduced visibility due to dust may cause accidents at nearby major roads and intersections. It is also mandatory for the construction companies to maintain the exposure limits issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) and ambient air concentrations according to the guidelines of respective national agencies, boards, etc. Moreover, air quality monitoring helps in analyzing long term trends of the dust concentration and to plan mitigate strategies.

Carrying out air quality monitoring at the site before any construction is necessary. Similarly, monitoring meteorological parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, etc help in conducting the dispersion analysis of the dust particles. As discussed earlier wind easily carries away the dust particles i.e. sand, sawdust, cement particles, etc. This means that the dust generated at the construction site can also affect the people living in nearby areas and faraway places.

Constructions sites compulsory requires a device which is effectively used by authorities to carry out air pollution monitoring of areas as well as the residential areas near to them on high priority.

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