
The Municipality of Corinth, Greece

The Municipality of Corinth, Greece - January 19, 2022.

Dr. Lampropoulos, President & CEO of A.U.G. Signals Ltd., had the pleasure of joining the press conference with the Mayor of the Municipality of Corinth, Greece, Mr. Nanopoulos, on January 19th, 2022 to discuss Smart Cities projects. Topics covered included: 

  1. Real-time Air Pollution Monitoring – AirSENCE
  2. Early Wildfire Detection, localization
  3. Demonstration of AirSENCE real-time operation. AirSENCE is installed and operating in the main square of Corinth.

The Municipality of Corinth was chosen out of all the municipalities of Greece to implement an innovative and comprehensive continuous ambient air quality micro-monitoring station (caaqMMS): AirSENCE. AirSENCE will be the primary tool to provide reliable real-time air quality data and contribute to the city’s target of reducing air pollution and its impact on the health and lives of Corinthians by 55% by 2030.

Photo 1: Dr. George Lampropoulos met with Mr. Nanopoulos, the Mayor of the Municipality of Corinth, Greece.
Photo 2: Dr. George Lampropoulos demonstrated real-time operation of AirSENCE and its cloud-based visualization dashboard.
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