
AirSENCE Deployed in Three European Countries for PASSEPARTOUT project

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AirSENCE Deployed in Three European Countries for PASSEPARTOUT project

AirSENCE continues to make a difference in providing innovative solutions for air quality monitoring. In the latest partnership with seventeen (17) partners from nine (9) European countries for the PASSEPARTOUT project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101016956), twenty (20) AirSENCE devices have been deployed in Ireland, Italy, and Hungary in early 2022 to provide accurate and reliable air quality and environment data as the baseline for the miniature, hyperspectral optical-based air quality sensors developed through the project. The AirSENCE data collected during the PASSEPARTOUT project is being analysed by exploiting machine learning algorithms to model and discover spatial and temporal air quality patterns associated with e.g., pollution hotspots, seasonal factors and known events etc., and to predict air pollution.

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