
Air Quality Monitoring for University of Salford in UK

Airsence - School Premises air Monitoring

AirSENCE Used for External Air Quality Monitoring for University of Salford in UK

Energy House 2 (EH2) is a large-scale building physics test laboratory to be built at the University of Salford Manchester. EH2 is considered one of the most advanced building test facilities on the planet, with fully furnished chambers, temperature-controlled units and self-generated wind, rain, snow and solar radiation conditions.

AirSENCE has been selected by University of Salford, Manchester, UK to be used for air quality monitoring for the exterior region surrounding EH2. AirSENCE will measure PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO, NO2, O3, SO3, relative humidity and temperature continuously and in real-time. In addition, AirSENCE data will be communicated through Ethernet and 3G/4G network and will be recorded at 1-minute intervals. AirSENCE will be synced with a built-in GPS and clock to provide accurate information on location and time. The system will be mounted on a wall, and it will sustain all weather conditions. Fully remote technical support will be available to the university throughout the project.

Researchers at the university will be able to use AirSENCE air quality data to advance Energy House’s mission, which is to reduce our global carbon footprint by improving energy efficiency of our homes. In the UK, more than 25% of all energy is consumed within homes. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how we use this energy so we can create better solutions that increase energy efficiency. Energy House enables researchers and industry partners to thoroughly test products designed to improve energy efficiency, and AirSENCE is proud to contribute to this effort. Strategic partnerships and collaborations such as this will help us get one step closer in meeting national and global energy saving targets.

Learn more about the Energy House here:

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